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Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
ISSN : 25022474     EISSN : 26141612     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science, Education,
Muta’aliyah merupakan Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (JPI) di rencanakan akan terbit 1 kali setahun dengan fokus kajian Studi Pendididkan Islam secara komprehensif, Jurnal ini di harapkan mampu menjadi ruang kontemplasi dan perenungan pemikiran Pendidikan Islam secara kritis bagi semua kalangan yang memiliki perhartian dan konsen dengan isu-isu Pendidikan Klasik dari masa klasik – modern.
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Articles 6 Documents
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Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Pendidkan Kajian Tokoh
Publisher : LP2M STAI Darul Kamal NW Lombok Timur

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Organizational culture is one of the aspects that determine the success of an organization. Cultures distinguish people from one another in how to interact and act complete a job. Cultural binding members of the community into one unified view of creating uniformity behave or act. Culture will affect the performance and behavior of the organization, one of which affects the increase in teacher performance. Improved performance of teachers is a must for educational institutions who wish to survive all time, because teachers in educational institutions is the key to the success of the learning process. This study aimed to analyze and examine (1) the type of teacher performance and other forms of organizational culture that develops in improving the performance of teachers at MTs Negeri Batu and Junior High School Ar-Rohmah Malang, (2) the development of organizational culture in improving the performance of teachers in MTs Stone and SMP Negeri High School Ar-Rohmah Malang, (3) the impact of organizational culture in improving the performance of teachers at MTs Negeri Batu and Junior High School Ar-Rohmah Malang. This study used a qualitative approach with case study design multikasus. Data collection method is observation, interview and documentation. Data were analyzed using data analysis Miles and Huberman model that includes four components: data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Checking the validity of the data using Credibility, Transferbility, Dependebilitas, and confirmability. The results of this research: 1) The shape of the cultural values of the organization that developed at MTs Negeri Batu and Junior High School Ar-Rohmah daughter Malang, among others, the motivation need of power and the need for achievement, discipline, unity, obedience, pray, adab studying, mutual respect 2) The process of cultural development organization in improving performance both school teachers conducted by five phases namely a) the desire of change is based on the value transendent / religious leader and a strong desire; b) preparing (preparation) through the [1]development of systems and cultural mindset; c) unfreezing (liquefaction) is done through continuous socialization, coaching cadre and non-cadre, as well as reward and punishment; d) movement (move) through motivation and encouragement; e) Refreezing (freezing) through a process of habituation and commitments 3) The impact of organizational culture in improving teacher performance both schools a) For the teacher began to grow the value of labor discipline, growing mutual respect and appreciate, b) For students begin to grow more diverse both academic achievement and non-academic c) For the community began to grow interest and public trust. 
Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Pendidkan Kajian Tokoh
Publisher : LP2M STAI Darul Kamal NW Lombok Timur

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The Qur'an in it contained many educational values that can be picked from a paragraph to paragraph in the letter and juz. The value of education in the Qur'an or being able to adapt with the times. The value of an education in the Qur'an that is stories of the prophets and giving examples such as the Prophet Ibrahim, Ismail and the Lukmanul Hakim recounted in the Quran Luqman verse 13 and ash-Shaffat verse 102. The interpretation of the verses is the content of the educational values, all values that can be obtained through science, the science of education.
Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Pendidkan Kajian Tokoh
Publisher : LP2M STAI Darul Kamal NW Lombok Timur

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The science of education is essentially a series of long experience of human activities throughout history education systematically arranged so easily understood, tested, applied and then developed from generation to generation. So that the concepts and theories of education that exist now or in the future, be developed in the future by experts in essence an attempt to continue thinking, experience and building a culture that has been developed by previous generations. For that examines the thinking of scholars, philosophers and scholars who are experts in the field of education remains a relevant activity in an effort to find the right education and the formulation can be applied in the present and in the future. This paper seeks to identify more concretely about who and how the formulation of educational thought of Ikhwan al-Safa, especially with regard to the role, dedication, ideas and contribution in developing a system and a new order of thought of Islamic education for the empowerment of its time, shown through their existence as a form of actualization of social function. 
Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Pendidkan Kajian Tokoh
Publisher : LP2M STAI Darul Kamal NW Lombok Timur

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The integration discussion of scientific knowledge in religion dichotomy stream  and science are certainly to develop for establish anti teas to the secular of western science development, the art penetration that supported by empiric rationality as a truth measure that developed by western country were give the influence to the science development in this era. The science that developed and sourced from western country was escaped from the theological, the rationality reinforcing  as a truth measure was grated the framework idea and no except for Islamic community. The religion and science dichotomy was ignored the religion function to the knowledge, so it was make the science must be stand on it self without intervention of theology, for the more effect, will be happened the treating as a God (pendewaan) to the rationality, a reduction in value of godly to reconstruct the science, dry value of spirituality in human pragmatic-opportunist attitude. When the science are introduced to the Islamic world through the west imperialism, it makes a hard dichotomy between religion and science, after explaining to the validity and scientific status between one each other the dichotomy more and more to become acute. Fundamentalist group are assume that study about science is Bid’ah ( Bid’ah is something that prophet Muhammad saw. never do it), even though the supporter of science  are assume the knowledge of religion as a scientific-pseudo or just a mythology, because it’s not speak about empiric-fact. The corroborate Co-optation of western culture to the science development must be balanced with the reinforcing of scientific knowledge that be based on the holy Qur’an as an epistemology basic in reconstruct the religion and science integration, so the science be a support of truthfulness of revelation.
Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Pendidkan Kajian Tokoh
Publisher : LP2M STAI Darul Kamal NW Lombok Timur

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Conflicts and disputes wearing a religion is often the case, terrorist acts, arson and destruction of facilities and places of worship, and still suspicion suspect between Muslims and Christians and other religions in our country. It’s enough to prove the failure of the process of religious education all this time. Although many efforts have been made by the experts and religious leaders to create the cordial and harmonious relations among religious communities, in Indonesia the country's notoriously of pluralistic. To obtain success for the realization of the noble objectives, and the form of peace and brotherhood lasting among our society which in reality have different religion and faith, presumablyit is necessary the courage to invite them to make changes in education, particularly through curriculum-based diversity. Innovation and development of Religious Education curriculum needs to be done because of the nature of the curriculum is dynamic, always changing and adjusting to needs. Because the learning environment is a pluralistic society, the renewal and development of curriculum should be based PAI diversity by displaying the tolerant face of Islam. Curriculum development and innovation can be explained from the standpoint of perrenialismphilosophy, essentialism and progressivism. From this it is possible to teach the principles of Islam humane, democratic and fair to students. A principles of Islam that is very relevant to enter the future world marked by cultural and religious diversity.
Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Pendidkan Kajian Tokoh
Publisher : LP2M STAI Darul Kamal NW Lombok Timur

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Pendidikan Islam dan Pendidikan liberal merupakan konsepsi teoritis  dalam mendesain pendidikan yang mengusung nilai-nilai humanis, demokratis dan membebaskan yang didasari oleh nilai-nilai islami. Sehingga konsepsi pendidikan Islam fundamental lebih di elaborasi lagi dalam persepektif Islam sehingga menemukan titik temu antara pendidikan Islam yang selama ini dianggap kaku, rigit  dan anti perubahan dengan konsep pendidikan liberal yang selama ini di klaim sangat idealis dan finacial orineted  dalam mengkonstruksi pendidikan konsepsi pendidikan dewasa ini. Selama ini respont yang digunakan oleh kelompok Islam dalam menghadapi serangan kapitalisme dalam sistem pendidikan Islam masih bersifat afirmatif yakni menguatkan keotentikan  Islam. Dalam kondisi seperti ini pendidikan Islam ditantang untuk dapat meretas  adanya distorsi nilai kemanusiaan, dengan demikian pendidikan Islam  untuk dapat kembali pada perannya sebagai institusi pematangan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan mengangkat harkat dan martabat manusia. Tugas yang cukup berat bagi institusi pendidikan Islam untuk mengembalikan pergeseran nilai kemanusiaan  tersebut. Pendidikan selama ini dianggap sebagai pabrik intlektual yang hanya mampu melahirkan aktor intlektual yang cerdas sementara proses penanaman nilai kemanusiaan seringkali terabaikan. 

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